Each donation counts and helps us transform communities. Join us in our commitment to create a weold where everyone belongs.
You can transfer your donation to us through MBWay. Just add MEERU's phone number to your contacts and send us the amount you want to donate via the MBWay app.
Banck Transfer
You can transfer your donation to us through a bank transfer using our IBAN.
Buy at AMAL
AMAL Soap is MEERU's social business. By buying our products you are contributing to the goal of opening opportunities for people in our Community to have a flexible job, that allows them to help their families, develop their skills and integrate their new communities.
If you would like to receive an invoice for your donation, write your data in the transfer description or send it to us by email - name, NIF, address and email.
Write to us...
It is very important for us to know who is supporting us. Do you identify with our values? Do you want to support us in a different and alternative way? Would you like to participate in our events and join our community? Contact us and share your ideas with us!